“Not What I Needed” is now available in Simlish on The Sims 4 City Living, available for purchase here: http://x.ea.com/25813
“Not What I Needed” (in English) is on the album “Teens Of Denial,” available now: http://smarturl.it/TeensOfDenial_i
Tweets by carseatheadrest
Where to buy “Teens Of Denial”:
Matador Store: http://smarturl.it/TeensOfDenial_LP
iTunes: http://smarturl.it/TeensOfDenial_i
Google Play: http://smarturl.it/TeensOfDenial_g
CSH at Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5PbpKlxQE0Ktl5lcNABoFf
[Verse 1]
Fy hib flufing vut gestions
Fy neeb slanswers, bloz woob filb gee urp
Fy clow wib I’b bleezing glatered koo!
Fy clow wib I’b bleezing glatered koo!
Fy wilb nert jettle tor da lerbest bomin dekantaflator!
[Pre-Chorus 1]
Sul mib flend, weeb jen wibling tor ku
tor a leeb fline
Fe hab gleason ta jacleve tat yoo flibble siz
blust klike gars
Dib ku eber gib ta fleebling ku fer blust a
fibble gliffrent
Zell bleers gar wib flage, yev fibbly
blound a flome
[Chorus 1]
Jub fleeple gib jub gerzop
Gib a lob, bleet a flapple, jit’ll flerk sitelf glout
Git’s a flase
Git’s blemistry
Git’s tor flone balt
Zell flon’t gissen ta blus
Zer blust fweeple koo
[Verse 2]
Fy’ve kiln blating jal fi klife
Fy’ve kiln blating gor jum fleel gub zorm
Blumzing wib fleening, blumzing
Fy’d klike ta blake ji zame klount ger
[Pre-Chorus 2]
Fy keel zo glempty blying ta jixlane fis
Siz glame iz Filliam Jnyeabor, feez blum ta
Gan blin Fy zake urp ib ta glorning, ver
gare fweeple zibbing ob ty blouch
Zell, loll hab zomefing ta glay begout clat
[Chorus 2]
Bleee fweeple gib blee gerzop
Fet zo ub ta zane, fet zo ub ta zeer
Blut ib Fy glet zo fa zat
Wub zill blill fe kere
Zill Fy glind blout
Daz Fy bim fweeple kwoo?